Talking with Barbara Tyroler
BT: The questions to be discussed at the Oct. 23 panel are:
How does public art make a difference?
Why is a project like Rockin’ the Spectrum important for people with disabilities? For all members of our community? What are [the] stories that these images tell us?
When do the arts exploit disability—how do you know?
Can the arts address the stigma of disability?
What’s the relationship [between] art, advocacy, and community in your life?
How can public art become more vibrant in our community?
FRANK: In your experience, how has art advocacy influenced your life and/or the lives of others close to you?
FRANK: What will the evening be like from the perspective of an attendee? Will there be a schedule of events, refreshments, admission tickets or other merchandise sold, etc.
FRANK: What does art mean to you?
BT: Art is a means of self- expression and community appreciation. I use it as a tool as an educator, I use it therapeutically as a source of personal pleasure. Art allows one to get in touch with depth and meaning.
I would like to thank Barbara Tyroler for participating in this Q&A session, and I hope that you all will mark the Public Art and Advocacy panel on your calendars and come to this exciting panel to meet Mrs. Tyroler in person.
Event Details
What? – Public Art and Advocacy event
When? – October 23, 2014 from 6:00-9:00pm
Where? – FRANK Gallery in Chapel Hill, NC
Who? – Panelists include:
Barbara Tyroler, FRANK Gallery Artist and educator
Holly Riddle, J.D., M.Ed., Policy Adviser, NC Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services, and former Director of The NC Council on Developmental Disabilities
Jeffery York, Chapel Hill Public and Cultural Arts Administrator
Amy Fowler, President of the Orange/Chatham Autism Society and parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Deborah Zuver, panel facilitator, Director, Project STIR, UNC Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities
See you then, and as always, thank you for visiting FRANK Gallery.