The Power of Art

The magic of art can be used in real estate too! Recently, Shenandoah Realty started working with artists from FRANK, a local art gallery in Chapel Hill, to stage homes. They couldn’t be happier to promote local artists and their work, and to have art placed both in online pictures and in homes where it will be seen, appreciated, and hopefully purchased. Having art placed in your home brings a touch of finesse and uniqueness while also complimenting your design style.

Shenandoah’s goal with this project is to find the perfect symbiosis between art and the spaces of a house. We’re so grateful to get to work with such talented artists in the area, and love getting to continue this journey of transforming spaces with the power of art.

How Art Can Transform Your Space

Some of Shenandoah’s clients have graciously allowed her to hang multiple pieces of art in their houses when preparing them for sale. The results were utterly transformative. Art placed at the end of a long dark hallway offered a focal point and instilled a sense of intimacy. A colorful piece on a blank wall, placed just right, supplied a dash of color and provided warmth. A series, hung in a mosaic pattern, gave new purpose to a wall that otherwise might have appeared to be an odd dimension. The colors in a piece hung over an overstuffed chair complemented each other perfectly, adding a tone of aesthetic relaxation to the area.

Art, poetry for the eyes, brings our homes to life. It adds dimension and texture and warmth while reducing alienation. It alters the entire feeling of a space, making it feel lighter and sometimes, happier. It can easily add intellectual complexity to a home.