Sculptural Works
Special exhibition lecture and short-film viewing on March 13 > LEARN MORE
February 18 – March 29

Cameroonian artist Jean Michel Dissake’s sculptural works use found and recycled materials to represent a balance between nature and technology by weaving natural objects such as wood, vines, termite dust, water hyacinths, and palm fronds together with computer boards, aluminum wire, license plates, and car parts. These objects that embody energy from people around the world are sewn together with wire to celebrate diversity, restore souls and bring unity.
Informed by his cultural heritage as well as wisdom gained from living for nine years in a forest on the Mungo River, Dissake’s work invokes a dialogue on ecological and spiritual matters and speaks to timely issues of unity, love, and oneness with nature. Dissake asserts that “everything is linked” and seeks, through his art, to heal the Tree of Life.
These works are selections from a recent exhibit at the Gregg Museum of Art and Design called BABENGA: The Sacred Forest. The Gregg exhibit was co-curated by Marriott Sheldon, a Raleigh artist and guest artist at FRANK Gallery, and Roger Manley, former director of the Gregg Museum.
Babenga refers both to the village where Dissake’s grandfather was the local king for over fifty years as well as the idea of the continuity of humans – a ceremonial invocation of a future land and new spirituality where humans and nature thrive. Dissake’s understanding and deep respect for the natural world imbue the works with symbolism that serves as a wakeup call to realize our interdependence with nature.
Dissake is recognized as a visionary artist, philosopher and activist. He recently represented Cameroon with works exhibited in the 2024 Venice Biennale, the world’s most prestigious art exposition. Jean Michel Dissake’s works were exhibited at the 2024 Dakar Biennale and included in many exhibitions in Europe. It is an honor to exhibit and offer Dissake’s works for sale here at FRANK Gallery, considering he is on the verge of becoming very well known internationally.